A.R.MAZUMDAR Q. what is the cause of TENSION,STRESS AND DEPRESSION? ANS. Maybe some people have a special reason, but some people loss the ability to control it. The reason is the alignment of mind and body, those who have the right alignment have no problem. But those whose alignment of mind and body is not right then their mental strength decreases. Due to the decrease in this mental energy, then TENSION, STRESS AND DEPRESSION etc. attack at the moment. If the five elements of the human body are in perfect balance, there will be no TENSION,STRESS OR DEPRESSION. BALANCING METHOD OF THE FIVE ELEMENTS FOR HUMAN BODY... NO.1. WATER ELEMENT 72%. Water is liquid substance, the prominent properties of water are very important and interesting. Because the place or substance where water goes, at that moment it takes the form of that place or substance, water element has multiple action, its molecular effect is very strong. there are different types of action on different bodies, in other...