Garlic has been used by many people in all over the world since ancient times as a favorite spice. Garlic has also been used as a medicine by some people in the past. In fact, garlic has many medicinal properties. Even in modern times most people use garlic as a favorite spice. Actually garlic is incomparable in enhancing the taste of various foods, especially meat, fish, vegetable etc. . So far we have known the quality of garlic spice, now we know the medicinal quality of garlic. The medicinal properties of garlic are so vast that it is an elixir for the human body. If you look at the any side of garlic , then you will see only good qualities for the human body and the brain. There are six great virtues of the garlic is * anti-bacterial, anti-oxidants, anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-septic, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory effects. So garlic is a excellent properties for our body and the brain. We normally consider garlic to be a spice, but act garlic is a great remedy for many diseases.
Garlic contains vitamins are : vitamin B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin B3 , vitamin B5 , vitamin B6 , vitamin B9 , vitamin C and choline.
Garlic contains minerals are : calcium , magnesium , manganese, phosphorus , potassium , iron , sodium , zinc and other constituents is water and selenium .
Garlic contains high levels vitamins and minerals : vitamin B6 , vitamin C , manganese , potassium , calcium , iron , magnesium , zinc and selenium .
Energy = 149 k.cal. , carbohydrates 33. 06 g , fat = 0.5 g , sugar = 1 g , dietary fiber = 2.1 g , protein = 6.36 g .
Vitamin ( quantity and daily value )
Vitamin B1-quantity = 0.2 mg and daily value 17% .
Vitamin B2-quantity = 0.11 mg and daily value 9% .
Vitamin B3-quantity = 0.7 mg and daily value 5% .
Vitamin B5-quantity = 0.596 mg and daily value 12% .
Vitamin B6-quantity = 1.2350 mg and daily value 95% .
Vitamin B9-quantity = 3 mcg and daily value 1% .
Choline-quantity = 23.2 mg and daily value 5% .
Vitamin C-quantity = 31.2 mg and daily value 38% .
Minerals ( quantity and daily value )
Calcium-quantity = 181 mg and daily value 18% .
Iron-quantity = 1.7 mg and daily value 13% .
Magnesium-quantity = 25 mg and daily value 7% .
Manganese-quantity = 1.672 mg and daily value 80% .
Phosphorus-quantity = 153 mg and daily value 22% .
Potassium-quantity = 401 mg and daily value 9% .
Sodium-quantity = 17 mg and daily value 1% .
Zinc-quantity = 1.16 mg and daily value 12% .
Other constituents of natural water = 59 mg and selenium 14.2 mcg .
Just think of a healthy mind, this garlic has a lot of beneficial properties for the human body and the brain .
Benefits :
Brain health:
The brain is the first engine of the human body , the whole human body without the healthy brain is complete useless, so first we have to keep our brain healthy. Garlic contain high amount of vitamin B6 and minerals magnesium, potassium, selenium and other essential vitamins and minerals has in garlic. Which properties are very helpful for improve our brain health.
Helps to normal blood pressure:
If the blood pressure is normal, then balance of the whole body and brain is may be correct , therefore the blood pressure must be kept normal . Garlic contains good amount of potassium, magnesium and garlic has anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidants and anti-bacterial benefits, those properties can helps to keep the normal blood pressure levels .
Improve immunity power:
The body's immune system means of protecting the human body from diseases. Garlic contains high amount of vitamin C according to the data 31.2mg and daily value 38% vitamin C has in 100g of raw garlics , Especially vitamin C is very essential for improve immunity power.
Skin health :
Skin is one of the most important part of keeping the human body beautiful . Garlic has anti bacterial , anti fungal , anti viral and garlic contains good source of vitamins and minerals , which properties will protect your skin and helps to keep it beautiful .
Improve sexual energy:
Sex is a great asset for young men and woman, also important for old age some times. As is often the case , many marriages end in divorce because of the sexual problem. Garlic contains rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin B3 for energy, zinc for maintaining optimal testosterone levels and magnesium to get in the mood. Therefore garlic is very essential for improve sexual energy.
Bones health:
Bones are the main structure of the body, when bones are weak, people become weak, so it is very important to protect the bones. Garlic contains satisfied amount of calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals , especially calcium is very essential mineral for builds strong bones.
Eyes health:
If we think with our minds , we will see that there is no beauty in the world other than the two eyes . Because these two eyes observe the whole beauty of the world . Garlic contains high amount of vitamin C, vitamin B6 , selenium and some amount of vitamin B9 , which properties are very helpful for our eyes health.
Healthy teeth :
The beauty of inside the mouth is teeth, the taste of every food we feel through these teeth. Garlic contains anti bacterial properties and rich in calcium, vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals , which properties helps to builds strong teeth.
If you wants to consume raw garlic regularly,have to be consumes according to the doctor advice.
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