1 . Pineapple ( fruit )
2 . High nutritious food
3 . Antioxidants and anti-inflammatory activities
4 . Rich in vitamin C and mineral manganese
Pineapple is rich in nutrients, among the high quality fruits pineapple is also one of the high quality fruit. Pineapple is known to have been first cultivated in south America, at present it is cultivated in many countries of the world. Today is known as a favorite fruit of people in every country of the world, because this fruit is rich in nutrients. Pineapple is contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, which are very essential and very beneficial for the human health, it is also mentioned that, this fruit can fight against many chronic diseases in the human body. PINEAPPLE is a good source of ANTIOXIDANTS, antioxidants are compounds in foods that may helps fight inflammation. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and mineral manganese , which properties helps in strengthening our body's immune system and bones and many more benefits for our health.
Pineapple contains vitamins are:
Vitamin B I, vitamin B 2, vitamin B 3, vitamin B 5, vitamin B 6 and vitamin C .
Pineapple contains minerals are:
Calcium , iron magnesium, manganese, phosphorus , potassium , sodium , zinc and other constituents is water.
Nutritional value per 100 g of raw pineapple:
Energy = 50 kilo calories, carbohydrate = 13.12 g, sugars = 9.85 g, dietary fiber = 1.4 g, fat = 0.12 g, protein = 0.54 g .
Vitamins quantity and daily value:
Vitamin B 1-quantity=0.079 mg and daily value=7% , vitamin B 2-quantity=0.032
mg and daily value=3% , vitamin B 3-quantity=0.5 mg and daily value=3% ,
vitamin B 5-quantity=0.213 mg and daily value=4% , vitamin B 6-quantity=0.112
mg and daily value=9% , vitamin B 9-quantity=18 u g and daily value=5% ,
vitamin C-quantity=47.8 mg and daily value = 58% .
Minerals quantity and daily value:
Calcium-quantity=13 mg and daily value=1% , iron-quantity=0.29 mg and daily
value= 2% , magnesium-quantity=12 mg and daily value=3% ,
manganese=quantity=0.927 mg and daily value=44% , phosphorus-quantity=8
mg and daily value=1% , potassium-quantity=109 mg and daily value=2% ,
sodium-quantity=1 mg and daily value=0% , zinc-quantity=0.12 mg and daily
value=1%, other constituents of water is 86.00 g .
Improves digestion:
Stomach is the nutrition distributor of whole of the body and brain, if stomach does not have digestion capacity, then your body and brain will not be able to take nutrition. Pineapple is best known food it contain very important digestive enzymes ,along with dietary fiber, good source of natural water and pineapple has also other very essential vitamins and minerals, which properties are very essential for improves digestion.
Helps cure constipation:
Constipation is a large problematic disease that cause a variety of diseases, so it is important to stay away from this disease at all times. Pineapple is great natural laxatives for getting ride of constipation, it contains digestives enzymes along with dietary fiber and natural water sufficient amount that helps to makes stool move faster . Pineapple has also other essential vitamins and minerals , which are very helpful for reduced constipation.
Improve boosts immunity power:
Pineapple is rich in vitamin C and mineral manganese , pineapple contains variety of vitamins and minerals and protein digestive enzymes , which valuable properties are very essential for improves boosts immunity power. The human body's internal protector is body's immunity power , this means that immunity power helps to removes diseases from the body.
Improves skin health:
Pineapple contains very important enzymes along with dietary fiver and high content vitamin C and natural water, pineapple has also variety of vitamins and minerals. Which valuable properties are very essential for our skin health. Skin is main part of the human beauty, without healthy skin the beauty of the whole body cannot be enhanced.
Improves bone health:
Pineapple is rich in manganese that helps to strengthening our bones, pineapple has also important mineral calcium and other essential vitamins and minerals, which valuable properties are very important for improves our bones health. Bones are an important structure of the body , so it is important to keep the bones healthy if bones are weak the body will never be strong .
Improves eye health:
Pineapple is loaded nutrients it contains variety of vitamins and minerals, especially rich in vitamin C ,along with other vitamins and minerals such as, vitamin B 6, vitamin B 9, zinc,copper and many more. Which valuable properties are very important for improves our eyes health . Every organs of the human body as a human asset, but eyes are a one of the most important asset for the human.
Improves hair health:
Hair is a special beauty of our head, it gives protection to our head so we have to take care of our hair . Pineapple is rich in vitamin C which protect our hair against radical damages , pineapple has also B vitamins and other essential vitamins and minerals, which valuable properties are very essential for our hair health.
If you eat regular quality food , it is better to follow advice of expert
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