1. Jackfruit is high levels nutritious food
2. High in antioxidants
3. Jackfruit loaded variety of vitamins and minerals
4. Largest tree fruit in the world
5. Jackfruit is national fruit of Bangladesh
6. According to data jackfruit first appeared in the rain forests of India , and is now grown as a popular health beneficial fruit in many countries of the world, including America .
About jackfruit:
Jackfruit is one of the most popular health beneficial fruit in the world, this fruit is very beneficial for the human health, jackfruit is very testy to eat and its qualities are especially excellent for human body and brain. Raw jackfruit is used as a popular nutritious vegetable and ripe jackfruit is eaten as a important nutritious fruit. This fruit contains a lots of vitamins and minerals and natural water , which are very beneficial for our health. This fruit is good source of antioxidants and loaded natural health beneficial properties, which are very helpful for cure many diseases of the human body. That's why jackfruit is a very popular superfood .
Jackfruit contains vitamins are : vitamins B1 , vitamin B2 , vitamin B3 , vitamin B5 , vitamin B6 , vitamin B9 , vitamin C , vitamin E .
Jackfruit contains minerals are : calcium , iron , magnesium , manganese , phosphorus , potassium , zinc and other constituents is water .
Nutritional value per 100 g ( uncooked )
Energy = 95 kilo calories , carbohydrate = 23.25 g , sugars = 19.08 g ,
protein = 1.72 g , dietary fiber =1.5 g , fat = 0.64 g .
Vitamins quantity and daily value:
Vitamin A quantity= 5 ug and daily value = 1% , beta carotene quantity = 61 ug
and daily value = 1% , vitamin B1 quantity =0.105 mg and daily value = 9% ,
Vitamin B2 quantity = 0.055 mg and daily value = 5% , vitamin B3 quantity = 0.92
mg and daily value = 6% , vitamin B5 quantity = 0.235 mg and daily value = 5% ,
vitamin B6 quantity = 0.329 mg and daily value = 25% . vitamin B9 quantity = 24
ug and daily value = 6% . vitamin C quantity = 13.8 mg and daily value = 17% ,
vitamin E quantity = 0.34 mg and daily value = 2% .
Minerals quantity and daily value:
Calcium quantity = 24 mg and daily value = 2% , iron quantity = 0.23 mg and
daily value = 2% , magnesium quantity = 29 mg and daily value = 8% ,
manganese quantity = 0.043 mg and daily value = 2% , phosphorus quantity = 21
mg and daily value = 3% , potassium quantity = 448 mg and daily value = 10% ,
sodium quantity = 2 mg and daily value = 0% , zinc quantity = 0.13 mg and value
= 1% , other constituents is water = 73.5 g .
Health benefits:
Increase physical strength:
To be healthy , you need physical strength , both physical strength and mental strength are very important for staying healthy and strong . Jackfruit is loaded variety of vitamins and minerals , such as vitamin A , vitamin C , beta carotene , B vitamins , carbohydrate , dietary fiber , calcium , magnesium and many more properties. Which valuable properties are very essential for increase our physical strength .
Improves boosts immunity power:
Our body's immune system helps to keep our body safe from various diseases , therefore immunity has become a safe guard of the body . Jackfruit is nutrition powerhouse , it contains good amounts of vitamin C , good source of antioxidants, B vitamins and jackfruit loaded variety of vitamins and minerals . Which valuable properties are very helpful for improves immunity power.
Improves beautiful digestion :
To keep the body healthy , what we eat or drink must be digested , otherwise no nutrients will enter the body . That's why digestion should be arranged before eating, then result will be match. Jackfruit contains good amounts of dietary fiber , good source of natural water and jackfruit has also variety of vitamins and minerals , which natural properties are very essential for improves digestion.
Cure constipation :
Constipation is a large problematic disease that causes variety of diseases , so it is important to stay away from this disease at all times . Jackfruit is a great natural laxatives for getting ride of constipation, it contains dietary fiber and natural water that helps to makes move faster. Jacfruit has also variety of natural source of very essential digestive properties , which are very important for helps to cure constipation.
Regulate healthy blood pressure:
Jackfruit contains good source of antioxidants and good amounts of potassium and vitamin C , jackfruit has also important vitamins and minerals , such as B vitamins , calcium , magnesium and many more properties . Which valuable properties are very essential for regulate healthy blood pressure .
Improves eyes health :
Eyes are one of the most important organ for the human beings, with these eyes people feel the complete beauty of the world . Jackfruit contains good amounts of vitamins A , beta carotene, good source of anti oxidants , satisfied amounts of vitamin C , rich amounts of vitamin B6 and many more . Which valuable properties are very essential for improves our eyes health .
Improves beautiful skin:
Jackfruit contains good source of antioxidants , moderate amounts of vitamin C , along with vitamin E and dietary fiber , jackfruit has also loaded other very essential vitamins and minerals , which valuable properties are very important for improves our skin health. Skin is a big part of the human beauty , without healthy skin the beauty of the whole body cannot be enhanced .
"If you wants to eat any quality foods regularly, have to be eat according to the advice of expert"
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