One mistake may make a person cry a lot,but remember that one such mistake in life can save from a thousand of mistakes in the future ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ First let us know something about vitamin A: 1.What is vitamin A ? Ans.Vitamin A is a nutrients. 2.What type of nutrients is vitamin A ? Ans.Vitamins A is a type of micro nutrients and it is a fat-soluble vitamin. There are two type of vitamins (i) Fat-soluble vitamins and (ii) water-soluble vitamins. 3.What are fat-soluble vitamins? Ans. The fat soluble vitamins are-vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E and vitamin K. The fat soluble vitamins play integral roles in a multitude of physiological processes such as immune function, bone health,eyes health,coagulation and many more. 4.What are water-soluble vitamins? Ans. The water soluble vitamins are-vitamin C and vitamin B complex ( vitamin B complex means group of B vitamins).The water soluble vitamins are most important for b...